Call for Papers (2024)

Call for Papers 2024

Submission Deadline: April 27, 2024. (We offer a grace period until Friday, May 3rd. Please note that a paper’s draft must still be submitted by the April 27th deadline to allow us to initiate the bidding period.)

Submissions must be done via EasyChair Link, please select track “CAOS8”.

The purpose of the workshop is to bridge the gap between the cognitive sciences, and research on formal ontologies and, thus, to create a venue for researchers interested in interdisciplinary aspects of knowledge representation.

More specifically, CAOS investigates key cognitive phenomena and concepts (and the involved terminology) that can be found across language, psychology, and reasoning, and how they can be formally and ontologically understood and analysed. The exploration of the connection between cognitive sciences/experimental psychology and ontologies, as well as, more generally, symbolic AI, aims also to provide formal and logical modelling and reasoning approaches for capturing such connections. CAOS, thus, seeks answers to ways such formalisations and ontological analysis can be exploited in Artificial Intelligence and information systems, also in practical application. 

We welcome submissions on topics related to the ontology of hypothesised building blocks of cognition (such as image schemas, affordances, categories, and related notions) and of cognitive capacities (such as concept invention and combination, language acquisition and categorisation), as well as system-demonstrations modelling these capacities in application settings. We also welcome submissions addressing the cognitive and epistemological adequacy of ontological modelling.

  • Ontologies of cognitive phenomena
  • Logic and Cognition (challenges, possible solutions and validation scenarios)
  • Formal representation of cognitive structures / functions / processes (e.g. Conceptual Spaces, etc)
  • Knowledge Representation and Common-Sense
  • Formalisation of language, image schemas and/or affordance
  • Embodied language acquisition
  • Concept invention and concept combination 
  • Cognitive development from an ontological perspective 
  • Metaphors and analogies (formal representation, ontological analysis)
  • Artificial language understanding
  • Natural language applications / system-demonstrations / LLMs and cognition
  • Knowledge acquisition and categorisation in AI and Robotics
  • Tool use and affordances
  • Concept-based computational creativity

We welcome researchers from all career stages to participate, work in progress (short papers) are also welcome as the primary goal of the workshop is discussion. All papers must be original and not submitted to, or accepted by, any other workshop, conference or journal. Note that, for inclusion in the JOWO proceedings, short and position papers are required to be at least 5 pages long.

All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and the review process will be managed in a collaborative and transparent manner using the EasyChair System as part of the JOWO organisation. The interdisciplinary nature necessitates an equally mixed program committee (to be announced).

We welcome diverse contributions including research papers, case studies, and theoretical explorations that align with the workshop’s themes. We accept three types of papers: 

  • Abstract for presentation only: 2-3 pages, 10-15 minutes presentation (not included in the proceedings)
  • Short papers: 6-8 pages, 10-15 minutes presentation 
  • Full research papers: max. 10-14 pages, 20-25 minutes presentation 

(Page number includes references, presentations include Q&A.)

Submissions must be sent via Easychair as a single PDF file and should be formatted in CEUR 1-column format. Overleaf (latex) template is available here.

Submission link: Please select the track JOWO Workshop – Cognition and OntologieS (CAOS8).

For inclusion in the workshop, at least one of the authors of accepted papers needs to register at JOWO 2024 and participate on-site at CAOS.

All contributions to JOWO workshops will be published in a joint CEUR proceedings volume, compare:

JOWO 2022:
JOWO 2021:
JOWO 2020:
JOWO 2019:
JOWO 2018:

CAOS is co-located with JOWO and FOIS held in the beautiful city of Enschede, Netherlands.